August 24, 2023 by
Syed Ali
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The Island of Capri is located in the Bay of Naples just off the Sorrentine peninsula in the southern region of Campania. The island is connected to the mainland by ferries that run from Naples and Sorrento. It takes 30 minutes to reach the island from Sorrento and more than an hour to reach from Naples. When we book the trip, the tour company put us on a slow moving ferry that took 3 hours to reach Capri, so make sure that you book high speed ferry to reach the island otherwise you will waste a lot of time to reach the destination. 

I have visited the Island twice and stayed a week. Both times, I felt that I could have stayed a bit longer. I love this Island because of the beautiful scenery and turquoise water and if you add the delicious food along with winding streets, you have found Capri. We stayed at Villa Brunella and the view from the hotel was out of this world. Our hotel was near “Punta Tagara” the five star hotel which boast that it has the most panoramic view of Capri. You would see big mountains dropping into the ocean with big yachts dotting the water. If you start exploring near your hotel, you will be amazed by the intricate street architecture which would take you from one part of the island to the other. The quality of shops and restaurants along the street is of very high class. It is an expensive island but you will not regret your decision to stay here.

 I would swim in the morning, however, the beach here is quite rocky and you need to walk a little bit to find some sand along the beach. The water was refreshing and cool and you could also see lots of fishes near the rocks. In the afternoon, we would go for hiking which was so enjoyable as we would find old palaces and beautiful views from the mountains. You could hike the pizzolungo trail to the natural Arch, visit the Gardens of Agustus over the Via krupp. We also took a private boat to see the entire island which was just as good, especially the Faraglioni. We also saw the “Grottoes by the sea”, which was an experience. You have to transfer from a big boat to a very small boat as the opening in the rock is very small and a big boat will not be able to pass through the opening into the cave. Only four people per boat are allowed in the boat, and they have to lay themselves in the boat in order to get into the opening. The water in that cave is a magical blue, and some people also swim in that cave, but I didn’t take the opportunity to swim there as the boat person was not ready for such an exercise. The food was exceptional and I would request everybody to visit the island at least once in their life time. You could walk from afternoon to evening and you will only explore a small part of the island. We also took a bus to go to Ana-capri to explore that part of the island and I had the best caprese of my life. When I was at the beach, I would always carry my designed beach bag which has enough space for my gear plus it repels sand. If you are interested in buying the bag, please visit sunsand-sea.com. If you want more information about Capri, please visit https://jetsetchristina.com/capri/

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